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SrI gaNa patini sEvimpa rArE Srita mAnavulArA
Let us (rArE) (literally come) to worship (sEvimpa) the Lord SrI gaNapati (gaNapatini)
vAg-adhip(A)di su-pUjala cEkoni bAga naTimpucunu veDalina (SrI)
O Devoted folks! Let us worship Lord SrI gaNapati who, having accepted (cEkoni) worship (su-pUjala) of brahmA – Consort (adhipa) of sarasvati (vAk) - and others (Adi) (vAgadhipAdi), is proceeding (veDalina) dancing (naTimpucunu) nicely (bAga)
panasa nArikEL(A)di jambU phalamul(A)ragincighana tarambuganu mahipai padamulu ghallu ghallana(n)uncianayamu hari caraNa yugamulanu hRday- (A)mbujamuna(n)uncivinayamunanu tyAgarAja vinutuDu vividha gatula dhittaLAngu(m)ani veDalina (SrI)
O Devoted folks! Let us worship Lord SrI gaNapati who, having accepted (cEkoni) worship (su-pUjala) of brahmA – Consort (adhipa) of sarasvati (vAk) - and others (Adi) (vAgadhipAdi), is proceeding (veDalina) dancing (naTimpucunu) nicely (bAga)
jagadAnanda kAraka jaya jAnaki prANa nAyaka
The creator of happiness throughout the world ! The beloved of Sita ! Victory be yours !
gaganAdhipa satkulaja rAja rAjEshvara suguNAkara surasEvya bhavya dAyaka sadA sakala
The inheritor of Suryavamsa ! King of Kings ! You are worshipped by the Devas ! You bestow good things !
caraNam 1
amara tAraka nicaya kumuda hita paripUrNA naga sura surabhUja
dadhi payOdhi vAsa haraNa sundaratara vadana sudhAmaya vacO
brnda gOvinda sAnanda mA varAjarApta shubhakar A nEka
Amidst the Devas, you are like the moon amidst the stars. You are flawless, like the Karpaga Vriksha for the Devas. You steal the pots filled with curd and milk. You have a beautiful face. You say sweet words. You take care of the cows. You are the Lord of Goddesses Lakshmi. You are filled with happiness. You are ever youthful and you help your beloved.
caraNam 2
nigama nirajAmrutaja pOSakA nimiSavairi vArida samIraNa
khaga turanga satkavi hrdAlayA gaNita vAnarAdhipa natAnghri yuga
You were brought up by the amrtham from the lotus flowers which are the Vedas. You are like forceful wind that dispells the clouds, while you dispell the enemies of the Devas. Garudavahanan. You reside in the hearts of poets. Your feet is worshipped by innumerable kings of the Vanaras (monkeys).
caraNam 3
indra nIlamaNi sannibhApa ghana candra sUrya nayanApramEya vA-
gIndra janaka sakalEsha subhra nAgEndra shayana shamana vairi sannuta
You have a body that is as bright as Lord Indra's blue gem. You have the Sun and the Moon as your eyes. You are the father of the great Brahma whose greatness cannot even be imagined. You are all powerful. You rest on the Adisesha. You are worshipped by Lord Siva who humbled Yama.
caraNam 4
pAda vijita mauni shApa sava paripAla vara mantra grahaNa lOla
parama shAnta citta janakajAdhipa sarOjabhava varadAkhila
You removed the curse of Gowthama Rishi by the greatness of your feet. You guard the rituals of your devotees. You have learnt the two great mantras of Pala and Athipala. You granted boon to Brahma.
caraNam 5
shrSTi sthityantakAra kAmita kAmita phaladA samAna gAtra sha-
cIpati nutAbdhi mada harAnurA garAga rAjita kathA sArahita
You do the three jobs of creation, protection and destruction. You fulfill numerous desires of your devotees. You are handsome . There can be none equal to you. You are worshipped by Indra. You humbled the pride of the ocean king. You are the essence of the Ramayana which shines through its musical & bhakthi content.
caraNam 6
sajjana mAnasAbdhi sudhAkara kusuma vimAna surasAripu karAbja
lAlita caranAva guNA suragaNa mada haraNa sanAtanA januta
You reside in the hearts of good people like the moon that rises in the sea. You have the Pushpaka Vimanam. Your feet is being touched by Hanuman's lotus hands that won over the demon Surasai. You control the bad tempered demons. You are eternal. You are worshipped by the four faced Brahma.
caraNam 7
OmkAra panjara kIra pura hara sarOja bhava kEshavAdi rUpa vAsavaripu janakAntaka kalA
dharApta karuNAkara sharaNAgata janapAlana sumanO ramaNa nirvikAra nigama sAratara
You assume the form of Lord Siva who resides inside the Omkara form, Lord Brahma and Vishnu. You killed Ravana, the father of Indrajith. Lord Siva with the crescent shaped moon on his head likes you. You show mercy. You protect those who take refuge in you. You create happiness to good people. You are impartial. You are the essence of Vedas.
caraNam 8
karadhrta sharajAlA sura madApa haraNa vanIsura surAvana
kavIna bilaja mauni krta caritra sannuta shrI tyAgarAjanuta
You have arrow in your hand. You control the anger of the demons. You protect the Devas and brahmins. You have been praised by Valmiki, who is like a sun among other poets. You are worshipped by Tyagaraja.
caraNam 9
purANa puruSa nrvarAtmajA shrita parAdhIna kara virAdha rAvaNa
virAvaNA nagha parAshara manOharA vikrta tyAgarAja sannuta
You are the first person, son of the great king. You become slave to those who worship you. You killed Karan, Viradhan and Ravanan. You are sinless. You stole the heart of Parasaran. You are worshipped by Tyagaraja.
caraNam 10
agaNita guNa kanaka cEla sAla viDalanAruNAbha samAna caraNApAra
mahimAdbhuta su-kavijana hrtsadana sura munigaNa vihita kalasha nIra
nidhijA ramaNa pApa gaja nrsimha vara tyAgarAjAdhinuta
You have good qualities. You wear Pithambaram. You split trees. You have red feet. You have innumerable greatness. You reside in the hearts of great poets. You are the friend of Devas and saints. You are the Lord of Lakshmi who came from the Paarkadal. you are the Narasimha who kills the elephants of sin. You are worshipped by bakthas like Tyagaraja.
duDuku gala nannE dora koDuku brOcurA entO
Who is there to save this great sinner?
kaDu durviSayA krSTuDai-gaDiya gaDiyaku ninDAru
My sins are mounting every moment by my enticement to the evil deeds
caraNam 1
shrI vanitA hrtkumudAbjA vAngmAnasa gOcara
The moon to the lotus heart of Lakshmi. You are beyond comprehension of the mind and speech.
caraNam 2
sakala bhUtamula andu nI vaiyuNDaga madilEka pOyina
I am a sinner who lost the sense to understand your omnipresence in all the living things.
caraNam 3
ciruta prAyamu nADe bhajanAmrta rasavihIna kutarkuDaina
I am a sinner who slayed people without rhyme or reason and did not obtain the nectar of your worship in the young age.
caraNam 4
para dhanamula koraku nOrula madini karaga-baliki kaDupu nimpa diriginaTTi
I am a sinner who went astray and repeatedly hurt peopleÕs feelings for the sake of coveting their wealth.
caraNam 5
tanamadini bhuvini saukhyapu jIvanamE anucu sadA dinamulu gaDipE
I am a sinner who whiled away the time thinking that everything happening in this materialistic world is happy living.
caraNam 6
telayani naTaviTa kSUdrulu vanitalu sva vashamauta- kupadEshinci santasilli
svaralayambu lerungakanushIlAtmuDai su-bhaktulaku samanamanu
I preached to charm and obtain the attention of hypocrites who do not have wisdom, mean people who sought call girls and prostitutes. I was happy doing so feeling proud and egoistic that I am equal to any great follower of god without even having the capacity of understanding the swara or laya.
caraNam 7
druSTiki sArambagu lalanA sadanArbhaka sEnAmita dhanAdulanu dEvadi dEva
nera nammitini gAkanI padAbja bhajanambu maracina
I was carried away by outward appearances, women, land, property, children, servants and wealth thinking that these were permanent. Moreover, I have sinned by forgetting to worship your lotus feet.
caraNam 8
cakkani mukha kamalambunu sadA nA midilO smaraNa lEkanE durmadAndha-
janula kOri paritApamulacE dagili nogili durvisaya durAsalanu rOyalEka
satata maparAdhinai capala cittuDanaina
GodÕs face did not dwell in my mind. I sought egoistic men. I did not shun evil thoughts. I was tormented by them.
caraNam 9
mAnavatanu durlabha manucu nEnci paramAnanda mondaleka mada matsara
kAma lObha mOhamulaku dAsuDai mOsabOti gAka modaTi kulajuDagucu bhuvini
shUdula panulu salpucunu uNTinigAka nArAdamulu kOri sArahIna matamulanu sAdhimpa dArumAru
I forgot to appreciate the great value of having got this rate opportunity of human birth. I was slave to carnal desire and other evil thoughts. Though I have been born in the highest Brahmin class, I have been performing functions, which are very unbecoming of my class. I have continuously sinned.
caraNam 10
satulakai konnALLAstikai sutulakai konnALLu dhana tatulakai tirigiti nayya tyAgarAjApta ituvaNTi
Oh my god! I have been a sinner who has gone astray in research of women, children and wealth at various stages of my life.
sAdhincenE O manasA
Oh Mind!! He has achieved his objective
bOdhincina sanmArga vacanamula bonku jEsi tA baTTina paTTu
He has, by being steadfast, falsified his own preachings of the guiding light of Geetha, given to the world by himself.
samayAniki dagu mATa lADanE
Oh! He has spoken according to the time and place!
caraNam 1
dEvaki vasudEvula negincinaTu
Just like the tormenting (deceiving) of Devaki and Vasudeva
caraNam 2
rangEshuDu sadgangA janakuDu sangIta sAmpradAyakuDu
One who is brave in this world stage; father of the sacred Ganges; Totally devoted to classical music from birth to youth
caraNam 3
gOpi jana manOratha mosanga lEkanE geliyu jEsE vADu
One who, unable to fulfil the wishes of shepherdess, teased them.
caraNam 4
vanitala sadA sokka jEyucunu mrokka jEsE paramAtmu-Dadiyu gAka
yashOda tanayuDancu mudambunanu muddu beTTa navvucuNDu hari
You are the paramathma who charmed the shepherd women and made them worship you. Not only that, your are the Hari who mischievously smiled when innocent Yashoda kissed you thinking that you were her child.
caraNam 5
parama bhakta vatsaluDu suguNa pArAvaruNDa janma mana ghUDi kali
bAdhalu dIrcu vADanucu nE hrdambujamuna jUcu cuNDaga
Oh Hari! You show immense love to your great devotees, You are an ocean of good qualities without any sin, I am nurturing in my lotus heart the fond hope that you will remove the problems of Kaliyuga, throughout the lifespan. Oh lord, I fondly seek you, while I am thus singing your praise.
caraNam 6
harE rAmachandra raghukulEsha mrdu subhASa shESa shayana
para nAri sOdara aja virAjaturaga rAjarAjanuta nirAmaya pAghana
sarasIruha daLAkSa anucu vEDukonna nannu tA brOvakanu
Oh Hari! Ramachandra!! The lord of Raghuvamsha!! Possessor of nectar like sweet tongue! The lord who is reposes on the seshanaga; one who is like a brother to otherÂ’s wives; one who is worshipped by emperors; one who has clean and healthy body; one who has lotus petal like eyes.
caraNam 7
shrI venkaTEsha suprakAsha sarvAnnata sajjana mAnasa nikEtana
kanakAmbara dhara lasan-makuTa kuNDala virAjita harE anucu
nE pogaDaga tyAgarAja gEyuDu mAnavEndraDaina rAmacandruDu
Oh Lord of Tirupati!! Self-Illuminating! The greatest of great! Dweller in the hearts of good people! Adorner of Pithambara; the lord who shines with shining mane and earrings. Thus this worshipper of yours sings the praise of the king of the human race Shri Ramachandra
caraNam 8
sadbhaktula naData liTla nenE amarikagA nA pUja konenE
aluga vaddananE vimukhulatO jEra bOku mananE veta galigina
tALukommananE damashamAdi sukha dAyakuDagu shrI
tyAgarAja nutuDu centa rAkanE
Oh Rama! The lord who prescribed and identified the mark of a good man! You patiently waited and accepted my worship. You asked me not to be angry. You taught me that I should not mix with those who do not love god. You taught me to be patient in the face of adversity, You gave the virtue of controlling the senses and meditating peacefully. Despite all this, you are yet to come to this worshipper of yours, Shri Thyagaraja
kana kana rucirA kanaka vasana ninnu
The wearer of golden clothes! It is a an endless pleasure to see you
dina dinamuna manasuna canuvuna ninnu (kana)
It gives great pleasure to see you and store your memory in the love and devotion filled heart
caraNam 1
pAlugAru mOmuna shrIyapAra mahima danaru ninnu (kana)
It gives immense pleasure to see the boundless divine greatness in your innocent face.
caraNam 2
kalakalamanu mukhakala galigina sIta kulukucu nOra kannulanu jUcE ninnu
It gives immense pleasure to see the lord who is slyly watched by the sweet, shy and beautiful Sita Devi
caraNam 3
bAlArkAbha sucEla maNimaya mAlAlankrta kandhara
sarasijAksa varakapOla surucira kirITadhara santatambu manasAraga
It is a great pleasure to see the lord who wears clothes which have the color and shine of the morning sun; whose neck is adorned with garlands of precious stones whose eyes are like the lotus whose cheeks are beautiful and who wears a shining crown
caraNam 4
sapatni mAtayau surucicE karNa shUlamaina mATa vInula
jurukkana tALaka shrI harini dhyAninci sukhimpaga lEdA adu
Just like the great pleasure the unhappy Dhruva derived on meditating Shri Hari when he was scolded by very harsh words by his stepmoter. I derive pleasure in seeing you
caraNam 5
mrdamada lalAma shubhaniTala vara jaTAyu mOkSa phalada pavamAna
sutuDu nIdu mahima delpa sIta delisi valaci sokkalEdA ArAti ninnu
It gives immense pleasure to see the lord- that wears the sandal tilak in his forehead and gave salvation to the dutiful warrior Jatayu. Did not Hanuman, the son of wind, swoon while telling about your greatness
caraNam 6
sukhAspada vimukhAmbudhara pavana vidEha mAnasa vihArApta
surabhUja manita guNAnka cidAnanda! khaga turanga dhrta rathAnga
parama dayAkara karuNArasa varuNAlaya bhayApaharA shrI raghupatE
You are the seat of joy. You are the whirlwind to the enemy hordes. You reside in the minds of great souls like Janaka you are like the Karpaga tree to your devotees, You have great orable qualities, You are boundless joy!! You are boundless happiness! You ride Garuda and wield Chakrayudha, your grace and kindness is like an ocean. You drive away fear, You are the prosperous leader of Raghukula.
caraNam 7
kAminci prEmamIra karamula nIdu pAda kamalamula baTTukonu
vADu sAkSi rAma nAma rasikuDu kailAsa sadanuDu sAkSi
mariyu nArada parAshara shuka shaunaka purandara nagajA dharaja
mukhyulu sAkSi gAdA sundarEsha sukha kalashAmbudhi vAsA shritulakai
Hanuman - who meditated on Ramanama: Narada, Parasara, Sukha, Saunaka, Purandara, Indira, Parvati and Sita are all witness to the great happiness derived by your devotees who surrender at your divine lotus feet most devotedly. It is a great pleasure to see the lord Sundareshwara (Siva) and Narayana, the lord who has the sea as his bed.
caraNam 8
satatamu prEma pUrituDagu tyAgarAjanuta mukhajita kumudahita varada ninnu
You are worshipped by the kind loving Thyagaraja, Your beauty squarely beats the beautiful moon. You are the given of boons. It is a great pleasure to watch you.
endarO mahAnubhAvu-landariki vandanamu
sSalutations to all those great men in this world !
canduru varNuni anda candamunu hrdayAra-
vindamuna jUci brahmAnandamanu bhavincu vAr-
Those men will feel the moonlike beautiful form of God in their hearts and will be happy about it !
caraNam 1
sAma gAna lOla manasija lAvaNya dhanya mUrdhanyul
Those who worship you who is fond of Samagana.
caraNam 2
mAnasa vana cara vara sancAramu salipi mUrti bAguga pogaDanE vAr-
They control their mind and worship you who is as beautiful as Manmada
caraNam 3
saraguna pAdamulaku svAntamanu sarOjamunu samarpaNamu sEyu vAr-
They submit their hearts at your feet
caraNam 4
patita pAvanuDanE parAtparuni gurinci paramArthamagu nija mArgamutOnu
bADucunu sallApamutO svara layAdi rAgamula deliyu vAr-
Oh the protector of people they sing your praise with true devotion and they have good knowledge of swara, laya & raga.
caraNam 5
hari guNa maNimaya saramulu galamuna shObhillu bhakta kOTulilalO telivitO
celimitO karuNa galgu jagamellanu sudhA drSTicE brOcu vAr-
They wear garlands made of gems that represent the quality of Hari and with mercy they see the whole world with love & affection.
caraNam 6
hoyalu mIra naDalu galgu sarasuni sadA kanula jucucunu pulaka
sharIrula I Ananda payOdhi nimagnula I mudambunanu yashamu galavAr-
They are so happy to see the beautiful gait of the God everyday and they are happy about it.
caraNam 7
parama bhAgavata mauni vara shashi vibhAkara sanaka sanandana
digIsha sura kimpuruSa kanaka kashipu suta nArada tumburu
pavanasUnu bAlacandra dhara shuka sarOjabhava bhUsuravarulu
parama pAvanulu ghanulu shAshvatulu kamala bhava sukhamu sadAnubhavulu gAka
Surya, Chandra, Sanaka Sanadhanas, Dikpalas, Devas, Kimpurushas, Prahalada, Narada, Tumburu, Anjaneya, Siva, Sukar, Brahma, Brahmanas enjoy the Brahmanandha Swaroopa of God always. Apart from them there are others and salutations to them also.
caraNam 8
nI mEnu nAma vaibhavambulanu nI parAkrama dhairyamula shAnta mAnasamu nIvulanu
vacana satyamunu, raghuvara nIyeDa sadbhaktiyu janincakanu durmatamulanu kalla
jEsinaTTi nImadi neringi santasambunanu guNa bhajanA-nanda kirtanamu jEyu vAr-
They praise your form, name, valour, bravery, peaceful heart, true words. You destroy all bad thoughts that prevent people from praying you, they know that and they praise your qualities.
caraNam 9
bhAgavata rAmAyaNa gItAdi shruti shAstra purAnamu marmamulanu shivAdi sanmatamula
gUDhamulan muppadi mukkOTi surAntarangamula bhAvamula nerigi bhava rAga layAdi
saukhyamucE cirAyuvula galigi niravadhi sukhAtmulai tyAgarAptulaina vAr-
Those who know the secret of Bagavatha, Ramayana, Gita, Sruti, Sasthra, Epic, various religious thoughts, the thoughts of the 33 crores of Devas, bhava, raga, tala and they have a long life and enjoy all good things.
caraNam 10
prEma muppiri gonu vELa nAmamu dalacEvAru rAmabhaktuDaina tyAgarAjanutuni nija dAsulaina vAr-
Those beloved of Lord Tyagaraja, when bakthi increases they think your name, they are Rama bakthas, they are devotees of the Lord of Tyagaraja who worships you.